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Youth, grades 4-13 (one year after high school), join a “standard” 4-H club, where they focus on one or more 4-H projects. Members participate in hands-on learning activities, as well as business meetings and competitive, or evaluative, events and activities.
Cloverbud members, Grades K-3, participate in age-appropriate learning activities in a club but explore a variety of project areas. The focus for Cloverbud members is on fun, active, hands-on learning. The 4-H Cloverbud program is a non-competitive program with no judging or evaluation.
More information on joining 4-H can be found on the 4-H homepage.
Wood Dilks Scholarship
Goals for 4-H Members
The goals of Atlantic County’s 4-H Youth Development Program are for youth to develop:
- Children possessing these life skills are less likely to have problems with drug use, school failure, delinquency, and depression later in life.Self-esteem (self-understanding skills)
- Social interaction skills (getting along with others)
- Decision-making skills
- Learning skills (learn how to learn)
- Master physical skills
Atlantic County 4-H members have opportunities to enter contests, participate in local, state, and national competitions and conferences, get involved on advisory councils, and receive scholarships.
For More Information
Kendrin Dyitt
County 4-H Agent
Patricia Goldberg