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The moderating effect of the Atlantic Ocean and the Delaware Bay, which surround the well-drained, sandy coastal plane soils of southern New Jersey, allows our farmers to grow such a diversity of crops such that something Jersey Fresh is being harvested at least 9 months of the year. The 2022 Agricultural Census reveals that Atlantic County produces the second highest value of agricultural products among Garden State producing crops and livestock worth $149.9 million annually. With over $126 million of that attributed to production of high-value specialty horticultural crops (berries, fresh vegetables and herbs, and ornamental plants). Atlantic County vegetable farmers grow more than 100 types of vegetables (4thin NJ, 112thin the US) and fresh herbs (1st in NJ, 6th in the US — overall NJ is 3rd in production of fresh herbs behind FL and NC). Combined, these crops contribute nearly $34 million annually to local farm income and help sustain 4,000 acres of productive farmland.
Annual Outreach Programs
- Annual NJ State Agricultural Conventions and Vegetable Growers Conference, is held in Atlantic City each year. Coordinated by the RCEAC Vegetable Working Group, this annual conference and trade show is one of the biggest sources of up-to-date technology for East Coast vegetable and specialty crop growers.
- Vegetable Integrated Pest Management Program – The Vegetable IPM Program is dedicated to developing and improving integrated pest management techniques and practices that will enhance vegetable production in the state of New Jersey. Program objectives are accomplished through the development and delivery of pest monitoring and field scouting programs, grant-funded research, and educational outreach.
Special Projects
Vegetable Production and Pest Management
World Crops
Ethnic and Specialty Vegetable Production and Marketing Resource Development-Cooperating with Extension Specialists from Cornell and University of Massachusetts, and funded by a Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant, Rick VanVranken created an online specialty vegetable production guide to teach fellow extension workers and growers how to determine market opportunities that are created by the growing ethnic diversity of the US population.
Useful Resources for Commercial Vegetable Growers
- Rutgers Plant and Pest Advisory Newsletter
- Using Demographics to Identify Specialty Crop Markets
- Rutgers Downy Mildew Resistant Sweet Basils
- Rutgers On-Farm Food Safety Program
- Rutgers Pesticide Education Program
- NJ Department of Agriculture
- USDA Farm Service Agency
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Agricultural/Horticultural Water Use Certification and Reporting –
- NJDEP Water Allocation Program
- Rutgers Water Use Log Excel Template
For More Information
Richard VanVranken
Professor, Rutgers University
Agricultural Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension
County Extension Department Head