Main Content
Family and Community Health Sciences (FCHS) faculty work to improve the quality of life of people of all ages. We educate people to minimize or prevent family, work, and consumer problems. We focus on making life better in the areas of nutrition, diet and health, food safety, family financial and resource management, human development at all ages, and leadership development. We provide unbiased, research-based information and strategies to help you enjoy life and strengthen your community.
In Atlantic & Ocean Counties FCHS provides research-based information to the community.

In addition we provide programs and information on nutrition and healthy lifestyles:
- Color Your Plate with Laughter
- Lower Your Blood Pressure with Healthy Diet & Laughter
- Have a Healthy Heart
- Stress-Less Seminar
- Lighten Up the Fat
- Strong Bones for a Lifetime
- Living With Food Allergies
- Small Steps to Health & Wealth
- Mindful Eating
- Mediterranean Diet & Lifestyle
- Being Mindful Day to Day
- Food and Mood
- Functional Foods Series
- Food Preservation: Canning, Freezing & Dehydration
- Pasta Making Demonstrations
- Eat Well Spend Less
- Pack Your Pantry with Healthy Foods
- Herbs & Health
- American Cancer Society
- AtlantiCare
- Atlantic County Division of Public Health
- Atlantic County Library System
- Atlantic County Parks and Recreation
- Atlantic County Utilities Authority
- Capte Atlantic Coalition for Health
- Ocean County Health Department
- RCE of Atlantic County – Master Gardener Program
Visions Newsletter
Read the Department of Family and Community Health Sciences statewide newsletter. The newsletter addresses critical topics for today’s families and individuals.
RCE Department of Family and Community Health Sciences
The Rutgers University connection is through the Department of Family and Community Health Sciences, Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Take a look at a statewide perspective of our program.
Check out more of our healthy recipe videos.
Nutrition, Diet and Health
We offer a variety of educational opportunities to residents, featuring general nutrition topics on making healthy food choices that fit families and their lifestyles, including promotion of U.S. Dietary Guidelines, 5-A-Day for Better Health, and Healthy People 2010.
A variety of teaching methods are employed to reach those requesting nutrition and health education, including learn at home material (on-line presentations and fact sheets), as well as traditional classroom seminars.
Health: Selecting Food and
Maintaining a Healthy Weight
- Organic Foods – What Do We Mean?
- Getting to Know Portion Sizes
- Prevent Weight Gain After You Stop Smoking
- Food Allergies