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Here in Atlantic County, 4-H is rooted in our communities’ history. Back in the late 1940s, a dream of a 4-H Center to hold the 4-H Fair and educational activities for youth was conceived. In 1958 the first phase of the David C. Wood 4-H Center was completed. The official opening and dedication was on Thursday, August 21, 1958.
The David C. Wood 4-H Center and Fairgrounds is the heart of Atlantic County 4-H members, volunteers, and their families. 4-H is a proven, research-based program that is making a difference in the lives of today’s youth and families. Atlantic County 4-H gives all parents opportunities to provide their children with a safe, structured, nurturing environment. This environment fosters the desire to learn and discover while building strong values and coping skills to succeed in life. This environment is our 4-H Center!
The 4-H Center, owned and operated by the 4-H Fair Association, depends on volunteer leadership and enthusiastic support of the 4-H families and friends of the 4-H educational program and maintenance and growth of the 4-H Center to meet the ever growing needs of young people in Atlantic County.
For More Information
Kendrin Dyitt
County 4-H Agent
Patricia Goldberg